Marketers, of course, also travel. But tourism is recreation, and at work, even specialists who know the language sometimes have to resort to the help of an interpreter. Here are seven situations in which online services can help you navigate:

  1. be on trend.

A good marketer should understand trends. If in Italy users are interested in the works of Immanuel Kant – in a month our users will also be interested in philosophy. If in Austria teenagers think up to decorate themselves with chokers as a sign of protest against ecological pollution, we should expect a jump of demand on chokers in Ukraine.

It is a real art to catch the trend and to build on this marketing strategy. But polyglots are very few among marketers, and even knowledge of English is not always helpful – mentioned earlier hypothetical fashion for reading philosophical treatises would have been first covered in Italian.

So we have to arm ourselves with an online translator: to monitor news portals from different countries, catching the general sense, followed by a thorough analysis of the topics found; to look for trends in foreign languages in Google Trends.

  1. Business trips abroad.

Alas, it’s not just vacation trips to other countries. It can be a meeting with partners, contractors, customers or a conference. It’s not always the meeting party has a live interpreter at their disposal. Then the language barrier is overcome by online services.

  1. Business correspondence

If the meeting party can ensure comfortable communication with the help of hired linguists in trips, in correspondence you have to manage on your own.

Important: warn your interlocutor that you are using an interpreter. Then he will be sympathetic to the mistakes the service will almost inevitably make.

  1. research

Research is the foundation of content strategy in marketing. Data from reputable research portals will give your publications credibility in the eyes of both users and search engines. Often the research you need is done abroad, and online translators can help you find it.

  1. Services

Similarweb, GTmetrix, SEOBook, Neilpatel, Salesforce. Experienced professionals intuitively understand how to use them. But for those who do not know English and only masters the tools of online marketing, online translators will help.

  1. Communicating with the technical support of foreign services

Even if the interface is translated by the developers, support managers will not always communicate with you in your language, and the speed of solving the problem depends on the level of mutual understanding.

  1. Self-development

Surprisingly much useful material for professional growth is available in foreign languages. It’s clear that it’s hard to read books even with the help of an online translator. But there are also thematic articles and blogs – working with these formats usually does not cause problems.